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Authenticate me. If you can…

Reading time14 min

I frequently hear questions like "How to implement authentication in an Android app?", "Where to store a PIN?", "Hey man, will I be secure if I implement an authentication feature in such a way?" and a lot of the kind. I got really tired answering these questions so I decided to write all my thoughts about it once to share with all questioners.

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Total votes 13: ↑10 and ↓3+7

Hidden mistakes with Shared Element Transitions

Reading time4 min

There is a good practice to make your application beautiful and live, and nowadays there are a lot of tools and ways to achieve this. One of them is Shared Element Transition.

In this article I’ll cover a few mistakes which have cost me a lot of time; I’ll show how to avoid them if you decide to implement this kind of transitions with Fragments on application.
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Total votes 13: ↑13 and ↓0+13