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How the Carla car simulator helped us level up the static analysis of Unreal Engine 4 projects

Reading time17 min

One of the mechanisms of static analysis is method annotations of popular libraries. Annotations provide more information about functions during errors detecting. CARLA is an impressive open-source project in C++ that helped us implement this mechanism to our analyzer. Subsequently, the simulator became a test-target for the improved PVS-Studio static analyzer.


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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

How to detect a cyberattack and prevent money theft

Reading time13 min

Money theft is one of the most important risks for any organization, regardless of its scope of activity. According to our data, 42% of cyberattacks on companies are committed to obtain direct financial benefits.  You can detect an attack at various stages—from network penetration to the moment when attackers start withdrawing money.  In this article, we will show how to detect an attack at each of its stages and minimize the risk, as well as analyze two common scenarios of such attacks: money theft manually using remote control programs and using special malware—a banking trojan.

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Lingtrain Aligner. How to make parallel books for language learning. Part 1. Python and Colab version

Reading time8 min


If you're interested in learning new languages or teaching them, then you probably know such a way as parallel reading. It helps to immerse yourself in the context, increases the vocabulary, and allows you to enjoy the learning process. When it comes to reading, you most likely want to choose your favorite author, theme, or something familiar and this is often impossible if no one has published such a variant of a parallel book. It's becoming even worse when you're learning some cool language like Hungarian or Japanese.

Today we are taking a big step forward toward breaking this situation.

We will use the lingtrain_aligner tool. It's an open-source project on Python which aims to help all the people eager to learn foreign languages. It's a part of the Lingtrain project, you can follow us on Telegram, Facebook and Instagram. Let's start!

Find the texts

At first, we should find two texts we want to align. Let's take two editions of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, in Russian and the original one.

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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

How we sympathize with a question on StackOverflow but keep silent

Reading time3 min

How we sympathize with a question on StackOverflow but keep silent
On the stackoverflow.com website, we frequently see questions about how to look for bugs of a certain type. We know that PVS-Studio can solve the problem. Unfortunately, we have to keep silent. Otherwise, StackOverflow moderators may consider it as an obvious attempt to promote our product. This article describes a particular case of such a situation that makes us suffer deeply.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

Big Data Tools with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, PyCharm Professional, DataGrip 2021.3 EAP, and DataSpell Support

Reading time1 min

Recently we released a new build of the Big Data Tools plugin that is compatible with the 2021.3 versions of IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm. DataGrip 2021.3 support will be available immediately after the release in October. The plugin also supports our new data science IDE – JetBrains DataSpell. If you still use previous versions, now is the perfect time to upgrade both your IDE and the plugin. 

This year, we introduced a number of new features as well as some features that have been there for a while, for example, running Spark Submit with a run configuration.

Here’s a list of the key improvements:

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Creating Roslyn API-based static analyzer for C#

Reading time23 min

After you read this article, you'll have the knowledge to create your own static analyzer for C#. With the help of the analyzer, you can find potential errors and vulnerabilities in the source code of your own and other projects. Are you intrigued? Well, let's get started.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

Access the power of hardware accelerated video codecs in your Windows applications via FFmpeg / libavcodec

Reading time8 min
Since 2011 all Intel GPUs (integrated and discrete Intel Graphics products) include Intel Quick Sync Video (QSV) — the dedicated hardware core for video encoding and decoding. Intel QSV is supported by all popular video processing applications across multiple OSes including FFmpeg. The tutorial focuses on Intel QSV based video encoding and decoding acceleration in Windows native (desktop) applications using FFmpeg/libavcodec for video processing. To illustrate concepts described, the open source 3D Streaming Toolkit is used.
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

XSS: attack, defense — and C# programming

Reading time11 min

XSS - or cross-site scripting - is one of the most common vulnerabilities in web applications. It has been on the OWASP Top 10 list (the list of the most critical security risks to web applications) for a while now. So let's figure out together how your browser can acquire and execute a script from a third-party website, and what this may lead to (spoiler: your cookies could get stolen, for example). And while we're at it, we'll talk about ways you can protect yourself from XSS.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

One does not simply calculate the absolute value

Reading time4 min

It seems that the problem of calculating the absolute value of a number is completely trivial. If the number is negative, change the sign. Otherwise, just leave it as it is. In Java, it may look something like this:

public static double abs(double value) {
  if (value < 0) {
    return -value;
  return value;

It seems to be too easy even for a junior interview question. Are there any pitfalls here?

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Total votes 6: ↑5 and ↓1+9

Tutorial: how to port a project from Interop Word API to Open XML SDK

Reading time14 min

With the .NET5 release further development of some projects was questionable due to the complexity of porting. One can abandon small outdated libraries or find a replacement. But it's hard to throw away Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll. Microsoft doesn't plan to add compatibility with .NET Core/5+, so in this article we focus on creating Word files with Open XML SDK.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓1+2

Go Code Generation from OpenAPI spec

Reading time4 min

OpenAPI specification

One of the nicest features of Go is the power of code generation. go generate command serves as a Swish knife allowing you to generate enums, mocks and stubs. In this article, we will employ this feature to generate a Go code from OpenAPI specification. OpenAPI specification is a modern industrial standard for REST API. This standard has fantastic tooling support and allows you to conveniently render and validate the spec. We are going to befriend the power of Go code generation with the elegance and clarity of the OpenAPI specification. In this way, you don't have to manually update the Go boilerplate code after every change in the spec. You also ensure that your docs and your code are a single entity, as your code is being begotten from the docs.

Let's start dead-simple: we have a service that accepts order requests. Let's declare endpoint order/10045234 that accepts PUT requests, where 10045234 is an ID of a particular order. We expect to receive an order as a JSON payload in the following format.

    {"item":  "Tea Table Green", "price":  106}

How can describe this endpoint in the OpenAPI spec?

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

How to make debug-friendly method references

Reading time5 min

Java 8 introduced two kinds of functional expressions: lambda expressions like s -> System.out.println(s) and method references like System.out::println. At first, developers were more enthusiastic about method references: they are often more compact, you don't need to think up the parameter name, and, as urban legends say, method references are somewhat more optimal than lambda expressions. Over time, however, the enthusiasm waned. One of the problems with method references is the difficulty in debugging.

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Practical uses of WebRTC Canvas streaming

Reading time7 min

In this article we will once again return to the tired topic of webinars and webinar hosting tools. And no, we're not about to code a whole new system for webinar hosting – there are already plenty of those. Instead, we will talk about connecting drawing software to the webinar, so that you could manually draw and broadcast the process.

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Guide to naming in code

Reading time15 min

We present a guide to name entities in code based on putting naming in perspectives of semantic space, design, and readability. 

The main idea is that naming should not be considered as creation of tags, but as a fundamental part of design process, which implies integral and consistent vocabulary to be used. We discuss naming process and naming formalism from these perspectives and we provide guidelines for practical use.

The work is based on 15 years of experience in engineering work, coding and development management in high-tech industries.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

REST hooks for WebRTC Click to Call. Implementation experience

Reading time6 min

The "Click to Call" button on the website is an "innovation" that has been around for about 10 years. The technologies under the hood have changed, but the principle remains the same: someone clicks on the button on the site page, then JavaScript launches and requests access to the microphone and establishes a connection to the server — WebRTC SIP gateway. Further, the first client-server leg is a browser gateway, the second leg can be arbitrarily long and through the SIP proxy chain can eventually connect to a mobile or landline phone. Thus, the browser turns, in a sense, into a softphone and becomes a full participant in VoIP telephony.

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Creating a NuGet package for a library with platform-specific API

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time13 min

When creating a .NET library with a partially platform-specific API, we should think about how to pack it into a NuGet package so that the installed library will work in various scenarios (.NET Framework, .NET Core, self-contained application and so on). Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a step-by-step instruction on the web that describes how to perform this task. This article is intended to be such an instruction.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

WebRTC screen-sharing with authorization and other benefits

Reading time9 min

The popularity of online education is increasing every month. And since there is an increase in popularity, there is an increase in competition and an improvement in quality: many authors of online schools realized that nowadays it's not enough to just make something mediocre using the frontal camera of the iPhone 4. You need to work on the quality of the picture, sound, presentation of material, etc. Not only did the pandemic prove that you can teach salsa and even crochet online, so it also gave an excellent push to improve the materials taught + diversity in the labor market. Moms on maternity leave can rejoice - now you can truly earn a hundred thousand million per second, sitting at home.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

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