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Mehwish Yati @EyesFit

I work with SaaS, Tech and established E-commerce

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Интересно посмотреть, как технологии можно использовать для улучшения портфолио и резюме и даже для выполнения тестовых заданий. Похвально и то, что об этом знали все участники эксперимента, и целью было проверить не компетентность сотрудников, а возможности соискателей.

Особенно интригует первый акт эксперимента «У меня сто лиц и тысяча ролей». Мария пытается получить предложение на позицию Middle-Full-Stack Java Developer в Karuna, хотя у нее нет ни опыта, ни образования в этой области. Ее план состоит в том, чтобы использовать свое обаяние и чат GPT, чтобы помочь ей написать резюме, чтобы пройти первый отбор у рекрутера.

ChatGPT-3, as an AI language model, has the potential to revolutionize the field of educational technology. Its capabilities include natural language processing, text generation, and conversation simulation, which can be leveraged to develop interactive educational tools and resources.

I totally agree with this guide, I also read at Reddit "

If open-closed and liskov substitution were applied to microservice design, I could see things going horribly wrong.

Open-Closed is typically implemented through inheritance or composition, which are both bad approaches to microservice design if loose coupling and deployability are desired. e.g. If service B is an extension of service A (especially data structures), how do you change service A and deploy it without also deploying service B - or at the very least thoroughly testing it to see the effects? It would be even worse if there was a service C that added functionality to B, and so on.


That is not a bad list at all. My only addition is to test. Test repeatedly and never give up. Test your hero images, testimonials, headlines, call to action, page layout, and anything else you can think of.

It's so simple to create a nice landing page that converts at 8% and call it a day. But what if that page converted at a rate of 10%? 15%? 30%? By that standard, 8% is actually abysmal.

Remember, you will NEVER write the perfect landing page for your target audience on the first try. Never. We learn about our audiences through data, then act on the data with tests, and finally act on the tests with updated copy and design.

UX Copywriting is the science of writing to improve user experience by creating text that provides users with clear information and direction while fitting in with the overall design.

Given that you're trying to sell UX copy, what kind of hell hole paragraph is that?

In my experience, the issue is not so much with the payment systems themselves, which generally work correctly.

The issue is with the people who deal with incidents when things go wrong. They have a shady attitude and an even shadier process in general.


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