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Артем Юлосков @yuloskov

Software Engineer

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Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time3 min

4 сентября 2023 года я получил уведомление о том, что хром меняет политику приватности. Казалось бы, нужно ли обращать на это внимание? Обычно я нажимал "Согласен" и жил себе спокойно жизнью. Но в этот раз это уведомление зацепило мой взгляд.

Мне предлагалось согласится с тем, что хром будет предоставлять данные о моих интересах сторонним сайтам. И делать он это будет на основе истории браузера!

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Total votes 43: ↑37 and ↓6+31

Stack-based calculator on the Cyclone IV FPGA board

Reading time12 min


As first-year students of Innopolis University, we had an opportunity to make our own project in computer architecture. University suggested us several projects and we have chosen to make a stack-based calculator with reverse polish notation. One of the requirements for the project is to use FPGA board provided by the university.

As our board, we have chosen Cyclon IV. Therefore, we had to write code on hardware description language. In the course we have studied Verilog, so we have chosen it. Also, the university has additional modules for FPGA, such as numpad, thus we decided to use it in our project.

In this article, we want to share our knowledge about FPGA and Verilog, also provide you with a tutorial to repeat our project.
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Total votes 75: ↑58 and ↓17+41


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